In the event that you forget your Network ID password, the Password Reset Service will allow you to reset your password without contacting Help Desk.

To take full advantage of this service it is strongly recommended that you enroll in the Password Reset Service by setting up your security questions (see information below).

This password affects your SJNY Network ID and access to many SJNY services.

  • I don't know my Network ID password

    You must have set your Security Questions before you can perform a self-service password reset.

    If you have not set up your Security Questions and cannot access your Network ID account, please contact Help Desk.

    If you have previously set up your Security Questions, you can click Reset your Password.

  • I want to set/change/update my security questions

  • If you know your current Network ID password, you can click on Set Security Questions.

    After you click on the link, you will be presented with a pop-up asking for your username and password. You must confirm your identity by logging in using your current username and password. Once in, you will be asked to answer three (3) security questions.

    In the event that you forget your password these questions will be used to verify your identity and reset your password.

    Make sure to use answers that are easy for you to remember. At the same time, try to pick questions with answers that other people would not easily know.

    It is strongly suggested that you Change Secuity Questions after your password is reset.

  • If you do not know your current Network ID password please contact Help Desk. to have your password reset.
  • I setup my Security Questions and can't recall my Network ID password

    You can reset your password yourself by clicking on Reset Your Password and answering the security questions you set.
  • I setup my Security Questions but I can't remember my answers

    Please contact Help Desk. to have your password reset.

    It is strongly suggested that you Change Secuity Questions after your password is reset.

Password Requirements

All users are required to choose a secured password. The new password needs to be at least 8 characters long and it must contain a combination of upper case letters, lower case letters and at least one number or a special character.


Password Reset Instructions

Click on image for video demonstration of the SJNY Password Reset service. Watch the process of setting up the security questions.